The Vital Role of Patient Health Advocates

Meet Tanesha Owens: a Board-Certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and Board-Certified Patient Advocate with over two decades of dedicated healthcare experience. Driven by her profound passion for nursing, Tanesha champions tirelessly for her patients and their families, delivering unparalleled care every step of the way.

Drawing from both personal and professional insights, Tanesha recognizes the transformative impact of having a Private Patient Health Advocate. This realization led to the creation of Health Advocates of New Jersey, a beacon of support during times of uncertainty and confusion for you and your loved ones.

Did you know? According to a study by John Hopkins Medicine, medical errors rank as the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S., claiming over 250,000 lives annually. We are committed to ensuring you never become a statistic.

Facing a sudden medical crisis or managing a chronic condition can be daunting. Health Advocates of New Jersey recognizes these challenges within today’s healthcare landscape and stands ready to be your unwavering advocate.

Your voice matters to us. We listen, understand, and act on your behalf, tailoring a personalized plan that respects your wishes and priorities. With Health Advocates of New Jersey by your side, experience the transformative impact of having a resolute ally who has your best interests at heart.

At Health Advocates of New Jersey, we go beyond Advocacy!

We enhance our clients’ understanding of health and wellness, ensuring they receive quality healthcare services.

Because Your Health, Your Voice Matters!


Who We Are

At Health Advocates of New Jersey LLC, we are proud to be Board Certified Patient Advocates (BCPA)—resolute professionals you can trust. Our mission is to skillfully guide individuals through the intricate healthcare system, ensuring that our clients receive customized healthcare solutions tailored to their specific needs. Whether we engage directly with our clients, their family members, or collaborate with legal representatives, we prioritize active listening to ensure that every voice is heard in our clients’ care. Our goal is to empower informed medical decision-making across all aspects of healthcare, enhancing the overall quality of life for those we serve.
Respecting Patient Autonomous Rights
We passionately believe in respecting patients’ autonomy. As patient healthcare advocates, we honor the right of individuals to make their own decisions. Additionally, at the client’s request, we actively involve family members and caregivers in the planning process.
Commitment to Excellence
Health Advocates of New Jersey upholds the highest standards of professionalism. We maintain our Board Certification credentials by exceeding yearly continuing education requirements. Our dedication to ethical practices ensures improved patient outcomes and compassionate care.

Who We Are

At Health Advocates of New Jersey LLC, we are proud to be Board Certified Patient Advocates (BCPA)—resolute professionals you can trust. Our mission is to skillfully guide individuals through the intricate healthcare system, ensuring that our clients receive customized healthcare solutions tailored to their specific needs. Whether we engage directly with our clients, their family members, or collaborate with legal representatives, we prioritize active listening to ensure that every voice is heard in our clients’ care. Our goal is to empower informed medical decision-making across all aspects of healthcare, enhancing the overall quality of life for those we serve.
Respecting Patient Autonomous Rights
We passionately believe in respecting patients’ autonomy. As patient healthcare advocates, we honor the right of individuals to make their own decisions. Additionally, at the client’s request, we actively involve family members and caregivers in the planning process.
Commitment to Excellence
Health Advocates of New Jersey upholds the highest standards of professionalism. We maintain our Board Certification credentials by exceeding yearly continuing education requirements. Our dedication to ethical practices ensures improved patient outcomes and compassionate care.

Our Health Journey

Tanesha Owens, a board-certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, and board-certified Patient Advocate, has dedicated over two decades to caring for others. Her passion for nursing led her to advocate tirelessly for her patients and their families, delivering exceptional care.

In 2017, Tanesha faced an unexpected health crisis when she was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder that left her paraplegic and blind. Despite her extensive healthcare knowledge and a supportive network of friends and family, she grappled with feelings of isolation and fear of the unknown. Advocating for herself became a challenge due to the nature of her illness.

This profound experience drove Tanesha to ensure that no one should face medical uncertainties alone or navigate a complex health system without ongoing support. With determination, intensive therapy, and the grace of God, she regained her vision and the ability to walk once more. Her journey exemplifies resilience and compassion, inspiring others to persevere even in the face of adversity.

Tanesha, drawing from her own personal journey of navigating a sudden acute illness and now living with a chronic health condition, possesses a deep understanding of the day-to-day challenges her clients’ encounters. She recognizes the significance of having a compassionate and knowledgeable advocate by their side, fighting on their behalf. Tanesha’s unwavering commitment to effecting positive change in healthcare stems from her faith and her sense of calling from God.

John 13:14-15 says “and since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” 

Tanesha’s husband is a remarkable four-time cancer survivor. Throughout his journey, Tanesha stood by his side as a fierce advocate, collaborating closely with his team of clinicians. Her unwavering commitment ensured that he received the finest care, where his voice was not only heard, but actively included in the decision-making process. This comprehensive approach prioritized both his emotional well-being and physical needs.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 instilled a great deal of fear in our communities, healthcare providers, and hospitals. Tanesha found herself advocating for her family, friends, and colleagues more than ever before. She began by lending a listening ear and providing moral support. Her role soon expanded to phone consultations, where she helped people understand their health and treatment options, collaborating with their care providers, and advising them on when to seek medical attention. Tanesha realized that having a patient advocate was crucial and made a positive impact on the mental and physical health of those she assisted.

Our Services

Caring Independent Patient Advocate Services for Individuals & Families

Health Advocates of New Jersey offers comprehensive assistance across various aspects of your health. Navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming, especially when you are doing it alone. Often, you find yourself following your clinician’s recommendations without a clear understanding of the competence of those providing care or the quality of the healthcare facility. Additionally, making the wrong choice regarding your doctor, hospital, or outpatient rehabilitation facility can result in frustration or even dire consequences. We are here to guide you through this complex process and ensure that you receive high-quality healthcare.

You will find Patient Advocates scattered throughout the healthcare system. What sets us apart is that we work for you and only you! We are along for the ride on your medical journey offering our special assistance in finding the right resources specific to your needs. We offer a wide variety of services to assist our valued clients in navigating the healthcare process. 

Your journey toward obtaining a Health Advocate starts with…


We will help you understand your medical diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options.
We provide educational tools to empower


Case Management Assistance

Efficient Supply Management: Optimize home medical supply management to ensure timely availability of essential items. This includes monitoring inventory levels


Eldercare & Home Health

Comprehensive Assessments: We conduct thorough in-home safety assessments to ensure your well-being.
Assisted Living Research: Our team continuously...


Medical Billing & Insurance

Simplified Billing Assistance: We will review your medical bills, explain insurance plans, guide you through paperwork, and clarify the billing process (including in-hospital vs...


Patient Advocates Can Help Navigate a Rehab Journey

Most healthcare advocates in the GNA directory can assist patients from anywhere in the country via telephone or video-conferencing tools like Facetime, Zoom and Skype.

If you live in an underserved area or can’t find a local patient advocate that meets your specific needs, we encourage you to search nationwide for an advocate that offers virtual support. It’s easy, simply search without entering a location, and look for the “TeleAdvocacy Available” checkmark on the resulting listings.

Review Testimony

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Patricia W
Patricia W
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Tanesha loves to help people and cares about meeting their needs. Her healthcare expertise helped me to better understand what to expect during my time in the hospital. She helped ease my worries when I was being discharged too soon. I am grateful for the services All About You provided!

Thank you!

Bridget B
Bridget B
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If we did not have you to advocate for my husband’s health plan, explain the medical procedures ordered, interpret test results, and call for moral support, I know that his care and recovery would have been much more difficult.

Your advocacy, support and knowledge were priceless and assured us when we were so unsure that we were making good medical decisions. The medical staff, without a doubt, did treat us differently when you conferenced with them on our behalf. You were able to articulate with confidence what was expected and as a result my husband got better care and attention. We are eternally grateful for the support, time and love you poured into us. It gave my husband the strength and confidence to get well. My prayers are that every patient and family would have a Tanesha to support and advocate for them when dealing with the healthcare system.

Love and blessings,

Debra O
Debra O
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All About You Healthcare Advocates is a much-needed service which helps to bring equitable healthcare into the community.


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John Doe
John Doe@johndoe
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@johndoe
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@johndoe
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Patient Advocate acts as a vital link between healthcare providers and their patients. Their primary role is to help patients understand critical information about their overall health and well-being, empowering them to make informed medical decisions. Whether they are a medical professional, family member, or friend, a Patient Advocate collaborates directly with clients (or their legal representatives) to ensure that their voices are heard regarding care, treatment options, and available resources.

At Health Advocates of New Jersey, our Independent Health Advocates collaborate closely with clients and collaborate with their healthcare providers. We assist in creating personalized care plans, addressing any gaps in care, and enhancing overall quality of life. Our experienced healthcare professionals recognize the challenges of navigating the complex healthcare landscape. That is why we are enthusiastic about guiding those we serve.

Patients and their families face significant obstacles when making medical decisions. The complex healthcare system, lack of complete information, and uncertainty make self-advocacy difficult. Independent Patient Advocates can bridge this gap and empower patients to speak up effectively.

A private patient advocate is committed solely to you. We prioritize your best interests, ensuring that your needs and well-being come first. In contrast, hospital-employed advocates, while occasionally offering valuable insights, serve the hospital’s interests. Their primary function revolves around supporting the hospital system rather than advocating for you as an individual.

Remember, when it comes to your health and care, having an advocate who truly represents your voice can make all the difference.

No. We facilitate the coordination of your care and provide guidance throughout the process. However, the ultimate decisions regarding your health and the health of your family members rest with you. Our role is to empower you to make well-informed choices that align with your individual needs.

We are proud to be based in the State of New Jersey, where we offer our comprehensive patient advocacy services. Our primary focus is on residents living within New Jersey. However, we recognize that health challenges know no boundaries, and we receive requests from clients’ family members residing in other states across the nation. These caring individuals seek our assistance for their loved ones who also happen to reside in New Jersey.

Our commitment to accessibility extends beyond geographical limitations. Through innovative approaches, we bridge distances by providing our services via conference calls and face-to-face video chat meetings. Additionally, our collaboration with skilled, board-certified patient advocates who share our mission, vision, and goals allows us to expand our scope of practice and resources. Together, we ensure that our clients’ needs are met, regardless of their location.

Yes. At Health Advocates of New Jersey, our fees are customized to cater to the unique requirements of each client. Our pricing structure is designed to align with the specific services we provide. As the demand for our services fluctuates, we reserve the right to adjust our prices accordingly. Rest assured that we remain committed to delivering exceptional value to our clients.

Customized Care: When you pay out of pocket, your care is not dictated by insurance limitations.

Patient-Centric Approach: Advocates work solely for your benefit, aiming to improve the quality of your care.

Stress Reduction: Knowing you have an expert advocate reduces stress during medical challenges.

Cost-Effective in the Long Run: Better coordination of care often leads to cost savings and improved outcomes.

In summary, while insurance does not cover private patient advocate services, investing in an advocate can significantly enhance your healthcare journey.